"Women in Wigs" Project

Video files captured by Stasvde

Video clip from movie "Dirty Dancing", many wigged women. Showgirls movie. Girl is taking off black bob wig revealing her blonde natural hair. Showgirls movie. Topless girl is putting on bob black wig on her tight black wigcap.
Showgirls movie. Girl with heavy make-up is taking off her reddish wig revealing a black wigcap. Wig clip from movie "Blutspur in den Osten". Wig wearing woman who killed her boy friend is putting on her amazing wig on her tight nylon wigcap. Video clip from old German Tv-Movie : a Girl like to play with wigs with her Husband, she is taking off dark wig and trying on blonde one.
Woman taking off her beautiful bob blonde wig, reveling her natural dark hair, video clip from German movie "Kleine Einbrecher" (Little burglar). Woman wears the wig to make the other people know she is two persons, video clip from German movie "Traumschiff" (Dreamship).

(c) Video files on these pages were captured by Stasvde

Видео файлы, Парики, Шиньоны

Video files, Wigs, Hairpieces