"Women in Wigs" Project

Actresses and Celebrities in Wigs, Backstage

Alicia Witt

Actress Alicia Witt in wigs

Angelina Jolie

Famous actress Angelina Jolie wearing blond wigs

Ankes in different wigs

Ankes in different wigs

Annette Frier

Actress Annette Frier in wigs, short skirts and pantyhose


Kimberly in blonde wig

Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman in black wig from Pulp Fiction

Behind the Scene

Wigs Behind the Scene

The Muke-up room

Wigs in The Muke-up room Stage make-up

"Sisters of Destiny" movie

Wigs from Sisters of Destiny movie

"Spy Kids" movie

Wigs from Spy Kids movie

"Summer of Sam" movie

Wigs from Summer of Sam movie

Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton wigs

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor

(c) All rights reserved to thier owners.

Парики, Шиньоны

Wigs, Hairpieces