"Women in Wigs" Project

Advices from Wigmakers and Wigwearers

Nylon Wigcap

WigTips >> Putting a wigcap and a wig on:

First secure your own hair by pinning or using a wig cap. Loosen the Velcro straps or hooks in the back of the wig. You can resize later. When you look inside the wig, you will find the label at the back in the centre. Place a thumb either side, as you put the wig on, catch the wig on your forehead whilst taking your hands into the nape of your neck. You should be quite straight. Two simple checks, first make sure the front edge of the wig is on your natural hairline, so you show your usual amount of forehead. Second, either side in front of your ears are two curved pieces, these need to be the same distance from each ear. You are now ready to brush and style your wig. 

Velcro straps should keep the wig in place and wigcap will keep your hair up under the wig with no problems. Also you can use WigClips if your wig is riding up when you move your head. Tighten your adjustibble straps to prevent a wig from flying off and other embarrassing situations.

The most secure way to attach your wig to your head is with double-sided tape. Elastic alone will often cause the wig to ride up on your head, and sometimes without you noticing before someone else does. Though special double-sided tape is available for wigs & hairpieces, you should not attach it directly to the inside of your wig. When you pull the tape off daily to replace, it will put a great deal of stress on the foundation of the wig, and eventually, it will tear. However, if you apply a foundation tape to the base of the wig first, it will make the wig last much longer. Put the foundation tape in and leave it there. From day to day, you simply apply your double-sided tape to that foundation tape which always stays in the base. This way when you remove it, all the stress is put on the foundation tape, not the wig base.

Putting on a wig cap
Adjustable straps Lady in net cap and wig

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Парики, Шиньоны

Wigs, Hairpieces